Bringing Team Sports to All Kids

~ a non-profit organization~

about us

At Old Ball Game, we aim to give the opportunity to play sports by providing equipment and funds to those who need it.

Community Helping Community

Old Ball Game was organized after recognizing two problems in our communities: there are underprivileged kids who want to play sports & there is ​an excess of good sports equipment just waiting to be used.

It was clear to us that each of these problems could address the other, so we acted on it. ​Old Ball Game collects donations from teams and families that no longer need it and we put it to use in communities that do.

There are too many kids that don't play team sports simply because of the cost. Certain areas reach a poverty rate of 21% meaning a fifth of the youth might not participate in sports. There is an excess of used sports equipment collecting dust in countless Maryland garages. Many families are fortunate enough to easily afford sports equipment and it piles up over time. Instead, it could be used by more players in more seasons.

Get Them In the Game

We also collect monetary donations and distribute funds to teams that could use the help with registrations, buying uniforms, or even tournament fees. Now that you have the equipment, you've got to play!

Players Coaching ​​Players

It's the love the game that brings Old Ball Game to any ball field, at any time, to throw around and just be there. Peer coaching is an opportunity to be on the field and share experience - what works and what doesn't - with players who benefit from a different kind of coaching.